What makes a hotel successful? Have you ever wondered what the key to success in the hotel industry is? It is all about constantly finding new ways to exceed your clients’ expectations. If you are looking for ‘cut-the-ice’ marketing strategies for your hotel business, strive for these eight things which are even taught in the best hotel management institute in Kolkata.
The Whole Industry Thrives On Location:
If you are learning the nooks and crannies of the hotel industry, location plays a crucial role in the success of the hotel. So what is the best location for a hotel? First of all, there is no clear-cut answer to this. However, you can always check the tourism statistics to check things like:
- The number of domestic versus international visitors.
- Whether to get a new place v/s renovate an old hotel.
- If you will attract business pr tourists.
- Whether you can attract group business or not.
Keep An Eye On The Reviews:
Feedback is a great way to improve your overall business. Don’t only rely on your hotel’s feedback forms. After all, it is the 21st century and your guests won’t limit themselves to that. They will definitely go to the internet to share bad experiences on review sites or social media. Read all the new reviews posted about your hotel and respond to angry customers with a soft reply. Word of mouth is definitely your most powerful marketing tool till date.
Generate Great Ideas:
Group business is the ticket to bring in the big bucks in the hotel industry. It means that you have to make yourself discoverable. Counting just on your customer referrals is not enough. You have to meet the planners where they are and distribute your content through those channels.
Delight Your Guests With An Innovative Experience:
As per a hotel management college explains the modern trends are much more than just providing room service and accommodations. You have to provide your guests with an overall innovative experience by addressing their expectations and needs. Most of the young travellers who usually spend less time inside the hotel can be attracted by other activities such as poolside fun, live concerts, spas, fitness classes, and special culinary experience.
To conclude, remember that the hotel industry can often be tumble and rough. But when you have the right formula and a dedicated team ready for success, it’s always possible to break the ice.